It is meant to help you recall what you have forgotten. Click to see full answer Accordingly, why do people say salute when you sneeze? What do atheist say when someone sneezes? "Your health" after a sneeze. When you sneeze 6 times in a row at night, it is warning you against spiritual attacks. , What does sneezing 5 times in a row mean? 20. or "It's true." "Health!", the equivalent of "cheers" as they say in English, or if the person sneezed three times, "(Three times) the weather will be fine tomorrow".deactivation request|See full answer at en.wikipedia.orgWhat does it mean to sneeze 3 times?Also, h. For people who sneeze three times in quick succession, "one sneeze probably loosens it up, the second sneeze gets it to the front of the nose and the third sneeze gets it out," he said.. 15. There are several proposed bless-you origins for use in the context of sneezing. Summary of answer. ( Estoy enamorada / Estoy enamorado. Required fields are marked *. One of the most used slang words in Mexico is calling someone a 'pendejo'. Your mind is bothered about a lot of things; It is a sign of releasing negative emotions; This can also be a sign of spiritual awakening. In non-English-speaking cultures, words connoting good health or a long life are often used instead of "bless you," though some also use references to God. I am going there in a few weeks. What does the quote when France sneezes Europe catches a cold mean? One belief is that when you sneeze, your soul leaves your body for a short time. The diverse messages that come from this experience can influence our decisions, and also set us on the path to true fulfillment. About US | Privacy Policy | Contact Information | Pinterest. According to the midrashic collection Yalkut Shimoni, someone who sneezes must thank God. However, she says that is not the case for men in certain cultures like Japan, where loud sneezes are considered rude. Do you know that we contaminate ourselves every day? In English-speaking countries, the common verbal response to another person's sneeze is "[God] bless you", or, less commonly in the United States and Canada, "Gesundheit", the German word for health (and the response to sneezing in German-speaking countries). How Singers Sneeze | Triple Charm #shorts. 9. Magic: The Gathering: What is the Modern Horizons 2 set worth? But things get a bit more interesting if you sneeze while someone else is talking. In English speaking countries it's common practice to say "bless you" to someone who sneezes. What does sneezing 5 times in a row mean? For example, one sneeze means something good has been said, two means something bad has been said, three is a sign that someone is in love with them, and four is a sign that tragedy will befall their family. Below are these meanings: When you sneeze, the spiritual world indicates that you are going through a cleansing. . The spiritual meaning of sneezing 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 times in a row can be interpreted as a reminder from the divine to pay attention and be aware of our thoughts and feelings. The practice of responding to someone's sneeze is rare. When we use it as an interjection - most commonly after a sneeze - we're wishing someone good health. View complete answer on First sneeze: Salud Second sneeze: Dinero Third sneeze: Amor It's common that people sneeze many times and someone says that to them, you don't have to be a friend or anything, you can do that with a stranger. What do other cultures say after a sneeze? So the first sneeze in Spanish, you're going to say "salud." JP: The second sneeze, if somebody sneezes twice you're going to wish them "dinero," which means "money." Ok, "dinero." So the first one, "salud," the second one, "dinero," and the third one? ", the equivalent of "cheers" as they say in English, or if the person sneezed three times, "(Three times) the weather will be fine tomorrow". deactivation request|See full response at How do you say bless you in French after a sneeze? Most times, you will get this sign when you are confused if you are taking the right step or not. 7. What do other cultures say after a sneeze? (faraj) or (allh farajak (m.), allh farajik (f.)). If you prefer not to say "God bless you" when someone sneezes, no rule of etiquette decrees that you must. Answer (1 of 7): Like others, I tend to sneeze several times in a row. The moment we get them, we should embrace them with an open heart. o sea Also very annoying and overused. What do they say in Israel when someone sneezes? What do Chinese people say when someone sneezes? JP: Like you just did. ", indicating the sneeze means something the sneezer had said before is true. The simple answer is nothing! Ami! Hope that helps! after a person has just sneezed, the Italians say Salute! 19. In what country is sneezing considered rude? 8. We do it so often and from such a young age, it has almost become an involuntary response. Through your sneeze, your mind will begin to pick divine signals, which indicate that you are special. It is believed that the spiritual world sends this sign to us when we begin to lose sight of the spiritual world. What countries don't say bless you after sneezing? From time to time I heard "odaiji ni" as an option. If you are like them, then, this is for you. Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful, Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563, Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming. Moreov. 53. After the first sneeze, Turkish speakers say ok yaa (live long). Sacrebleu! This indicates that the universe is giving you a fresh opportunity. Moreover, the number of times you sneeze during your sneeze attacks is a sign as to what they're talking about. Islamic perspective For this reason, sneezing is considered as blessing from Allah and in a narration3,4 from Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him who said: When one of you sneezes, let him say, 'Al-hamdu-Lillaah' (Praise be to Allah),' and let his brother or companion reply to him. What is the old saying about sneezing? Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. Twice means something not as nice. All countries have their ways of responding to sneezes. Sacrebleu is a stereotypical and very old fashioned French curse, which is rarely used by the French these days. The Spanish salud comes from Latin salus, variously meaning "health," "wealth," and "security." Outside its use meaning "health," salud is used to say "Cheers!" ("To your health!") when toasting drinks or instead of "Bless you!" when someone sneezes. What do British people say after a sneeze? Whenever you are about to make a mistake, you will get this as a sign to STOP. Gey, sometimes spelled in the way it is pronounced as 'wey', means mate and is used all the time in Mexican Spanish. 34. Their minds will be clear and void of confusion. As a toadt, Spanish people say "Salud, pesetas y amor". ", "A great fortunate occurrence." In Germany, it's polite to say"gesundheit" after someone sneezes, which moreor less means "health."More specifically, it's made upof the word gesund, which means healthy, and the suffix-heit, which means -hood. In the spiritual world, sneezing more than 8 times is often thought of as a warning sign. This is believed to be a warning sign. If you sneeze four times in a row, you will die. What does it mean when you respect yourself? Because of their spiritual sensitivity, they will spot danger and avoid them. Mandarin speakers do not typically comment on another person's sneeze. How do Mexicans greet each . - SpanishDict. Interestingly, Gesundheit, the German response to a sneeze, is also the most common expression for English speakers who prefer not to say bless you. It simply means health, which is used in a number of languages when someone sneezes (makes sense). When I sneeze, my students say "bless you." Sneezing can be due to: Allergy to pollen (hay fever), mold, dander, dust. Many tribes believe that when someone sneezes, they are either blessed by their ancestors or sent a special message from the spirit world. For example, when you sneeze five times in a row (at the beginning of the week), it is seen as an omen of a new beginning. 2. when someone sneezes how do i say "bless you"? What do Vietnamese say when someone sneezes? The verbal blessings bestowed upon sneezers are often attributed to the 6th century pope Gregory the Great, who invoked God bless you as protection against the bubonic plague that was raging through Europe at the time. may good things happen to you: Good night everyone, and God bless you. I am a fluent speaker who has lived in Spain for 5 years For short, le bendiga is bless you. The Torah Temima (Rabbi Baruch Epstein, 1860-1941) refers to Rashi's comment on the Talmud that you say "asuta", "May you be healed", when someone sneezes. Formed of the word gesund (healthy) and the suffix -heit (-hood), Gesundheit literally means health-hood, or the state of being healthy. In Jamaica, when someone sneezes, they (the sneezer) says sorry.. Another theory involves the Vatican. What do Hawaiians say when you sneeze? What does it mean when you sneeze 5 times in a row? / "A good one.". What do British people say when they sneeze? Note: It is very rare for anyone to acknowledge a sneeze in Japan, and it is customary not to say anything at all. In Mexico they say "Salud!" 21. It is beyond doubt that the spiritual world rules the physical world. deactivation request|See full response at Marjorie L. Slankard, MD, told Everyday Health that you sneeze to clear your nose of whatever is irritating you. There are just too many variables to consider. For more, see the detailed answer. Talking to a child? 33. English speakers not comfortable saying bless you might instead use the German loanword gesundheit. Old-fashioned: after the second sneeze, "to your loves," and after the third, "may they last forever." What do Spanish speakers say when you sneeze? If that happens, the interrupted speaker will often say , or Im telling the truth. A little defensive, arent we? There is a little-known condition called photic sneeze reflex, or autosomal compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst (ACHOO) syndrome. Why is it said that when France sneezes the rest of the Europe catches cold? "To your health," "it is true" or "God help to you." Moreover, the number of times you sneeze is a sign as to what theyre talking about. What do you say when someone sneezes in Italy? All Rights Reserved. Arrested For Drug Charge. (que les tiennes/vtres durent toujours) 3rd sneeze : A tes/vos aeux! It's common that people sneeze many times and someone says that to them, you don't have to be a friend or anything, you can do that with a stranger. These may be based on an onomatopia of the sound of a sneeze. With seasonal allergies, airborne triggers, like pollen, are found in higher levels in the air and can start a sneezing fit. If you'd like to say "Bless you!" in Spanish, after someone sneezes, you would use "Salud!" However, if you're intending to say "Bless you" in a spiritual manner, you could say 2. when someone sneezes how do i say "bless you"? In German, they say "Gesundheit," which means " (good) health (to you)". Accent check please! For people learning spanish. When you sneeze 2 times in a row, it has certain spiritual meanings: If you are looking for proof or evidence as a sign that the heavens have heard your prayers and requests, then sneezing 2 times in a row might be the perfect sign. Japanese dessert "Sweet potato" - sudachi recipes, The 10 Most Expensive and Rare Magic Cards of 2023, See full answer at, See full response at, See full answer at, See full answer at, See full answer at How long after surgery can I get in the hot tub? 8. What do you say when someone sneezes 3 times in Islam? , What is the polite thing to say when someone sneezes? The Prophet (pbuh) said, " If anyone of you sneezes, he should say 'Al-Hamduli l-lah' (Praise be to Allah). What to say when someone sneezes? , What countries don't say bless you after sneezing? What do Jamaicans say when you sneeze? "God smother you!". or "It's true." At this point, you need to be watchful, and practice protection rituals and spells. One sneeze means people are saying good things about you; two sneezes in a row means people are saying bad things about you; three sneezes in a row is a sign that someone is in love with you or you may fall in love soon. ), Una quesadilla sin queso, por favor. (A cheeseless quesadilla, please. May God bless this day with more love than your heart can contain. So the first sneeze in Spanish, you're going to say "salud." JP: The second sneeze, if somebody sneezes twice you're going to wish them "dinero," which means "money." Ok, "dinero." So the first one, "salud," the second one, "dinero," and the third one? 1st sneeze : A tes/vos souhaits! What does salud mean in Spanish slang? "It will be a good thing, God willing," or the shorter version, "A good sign hopefully." Unknown Kusaal: Win yl sida! 27905 views. 3. . may be embarrassing, it's actually a sign that your body is in healthy fighting mode. What do other cultures say after a sneeze? That explains why it's still a common phrase to hear in the Midwest, and as far out West as California. What do Japanese people say when they sneeze? EXPLANATION: When someone sneezes in the United States, more often than not someone else will say, "God bless you!" We are the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching and learning Spanish. What do you say in England when someone sneezes? At any point in time, the hammer might drop. "Once a sneeze starts, you can't stop it because it's a reflex. The most well-known version tends to be used more in Latin America: salud ("health") after the first sneeze, dinero ("money") after the second, and amor ("love") after the third. Everyone looks for their own onion to cry. We are as small as our joy and as big as our pain. Who does not live to serve does not serve to live. Tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are. Gesundheit was borrowed from German, where it literally means "health"; it was formed by a combination of gesund ("healthy") and -heit ("-hood"). So, the first sneeze likely breaks up the irritant, while the second brings it into the nose, and the third shoots it out. What does sneezing 5 times in a row mean? ), This may be based on an onomatopia of the sound of a sneeze, like the English "Atchoo.". Whether youre doling out blessings or making weather predictions, its useful to know how to say bless you in different languages. It is a popular boys name in Southern Spain. , What do you say when someone sneezes 3 times in Islam? Another common superstition is that if one sneezes during meditation or prayer then their connection to the divine will increase and bring them closer to enlightenment. What do Jamaicans say when you sneeze? In Indian culture, there are many superstitions surrounding sneezing. As in many other languages, the first time you sneeze the Dutch wish you "health" (gezondheid). What do you say in Korean when someone sneezes? When I was a child, when we sneezed the teacher always said (in a rude way): "Don't use your shirtsleeve, use a hanky!" , What do Hawaiians say when someone sneezes? Is it possible to take a 5 minute shower? The past tense of bless is blessed or blest (archaic) . (In our primary school days, when we sneezed in succession, we'd say, One's a wish, two's a kiss, three's a letter, four's something better, five for sorrow, six see your sweetheart tomorrow.). The Prophet (pbuh) advised us to recite A'udhu billahi minash-Shaitan nir-rajim every time we feel our blood boiling. Is it too late now to say sorry? (In the name of Allah). Breathing in corticosteroids (from certain nose sprays), One sneeze means people are saying good things about you; two sneezes in a row means people are saying bad things about you; three sneezes in a row is a sign that someone is in love with you or you may fall in love soon. Wishing a person good health when they sneezed was traditionally believed to forestall the illness that a sneeze often portends. There are 7 meanings of sneezing. Also, please report his reaction here. There is more to the spiritual meaning of a sneeze than we have discussed. He studied journalism at Ithaca College and has an MBA from NYU. What does Gesundheit mean literally? 27. The ever-changing rainy weather in the UK means that catching a cold is nothing but a regular occurrence in Britain. Old-fashioned: tes / vos amours after the second sneeze, and qu'elles durent toujours or tes / vos rves after the third. ", "That/the one said it" (lit. In my country (Venezuela) we have a "game" when people sneeze, if someone sneezes several times you'll wish him a few things. I think "Bless you" is much nicer. For example, one of the ways to get what the universe is trying to say is by paying attention to the number of times you sneeze. The origin of this custom and its original purpose are unknown. Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. This also applies to sneezing. In Spanish, it's "Salud", and in Italian, "Salute . "Achoo!" deactivation request|See full response at The phrase originally originated as "God bless you". That is what we say in Spanish class so I am fairly confident it is correct. As in many other languages, the first time you sneeze the Dutch wish you health (gezondheid). 15. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. What is the old saying about sneezing? This may cause you to sneeze two, three, and even four or five more times, A massive sneeze triggered a brain haemorrhage and heart attack which killed a dad. "For your health." or "Thank God". or "May God let it happen (bless you)", From Latin, prsit. In some cultures, there are different responses to sneezes depending on how many times a person has sneezed. What do Spanish speakers say when you sneeze? Well, in this article, we will extensively discuss the spiritual meaning of sneezing. previous questionWhy is Lemongrab so crazy? "Glorious Lord" or "May you be blessed," respectively. No, its not. Right now, we are about to fully plunge into the world of spirituality and understand why the universe makes us sneeze as a sign of communication. The first time, she said, "Bless you!" and the second time, she said, "BLESS YOU!" The third time she said, "Ok. Now you're just being greedy." Toxici is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. 4. - SpanishDict You can say "Jess" or Jesus, Maria y Jos". I've heard it in interviews. Three sneezes indicate a love interest is thinking of you and four sneezes portend bad luck. What does chin chin mean in Italian? Where did you go? It might be about stability, strength, marital bliss, and so on. What do British people say after a sneeze? This indicates that your energy levels are low, and you are becoming susceptible to spiritual attacks. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110, Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming. What do Spanish speakers say when someone sneezes? It is viewed as an omen that foretells ones fortune and even their destiny. Is 7 sneezes in a row a bad message from heaven? When someone sneezes, we say bless you. Its the polite thing to do. deactivation request|See full answer at What do Italians say after you sneeze? What do Mexicans say when someone sneezes? This is not as a blasphemos remark. ", "God speaks truth" (Sneezing means that someone elsewhere is praising you. Many of them are Spanish speakers and I would like to say something to them in Spanish when they sneeze. 'Oh God, I seek refuge in You from that which is evil (m.) and that which is evil (f.)' . ", "May it last." My girlfriend from Chile taught me the same thing lol, Now I can't wait for someone to sneeze, lol. 2. 3. German. (Spanish. deactivation request|See full answer at 39. While that loud "Achoo!" What is the German response to Gesundheit? "You look so good." What do French people say when they are shocked? More archaically, the translation is "God bless you". Why do Italians say salute when sneezing? What do atheist say when someone sneezes? What do the Irish say when someone sneezes? In the spiritual world, it is seen as an omen of new beginnings, grace, freshness, and so on. Why do Mexicans say salud after sneezing? or "Thank you." Salute! Why do I sneeze when I think about my crush? Beecta is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. You don't have to say it. For example, one sneeze means something good has been said, two means something bad has been said, three is a sign that someone is in love with them, and four is a sign that tragedy will befall their family. (If a person sneezes while another is speaking, Hungarians also say sometimes "Igaz is" confirming that the person who was just speaking was telling the truth). Also, it calls our attention to the choices we are about to make. "To your wishes" or "health". Also see related daily prayer addition. This legend is said to have originated with ancient cultures who believed the soul was connected to the physical body through seven points or chakras located throughout the body. 26. Riding home one evening with a friend in the car, I sneezed three times. Although quite rare, some severe risks of holding in a sneeze include damage to the blood vessels, ruptured ear drums, hearing loss, or vertigo. 5. A sign like this inspires you to not entirely rely on your friends. What do Americans say after someone sneezes? Whenever you sneeze 8 times in a row, prepare for something special. What is the correct thing to say when someone sneezes? People usually say more "salud" nowadays. More archaically, one can say Que Dieu te/vous bnisse. 6. 7. What do Japanese people say when they sneeze? 5. In Central America, South America and Mexico, they use "Salud". The subject God is in the third person singular, so the verb must be conjugated according to the subject. While the Nones include agnostics and atheists, most people in this category retain a belief in God or some higher power. The best part in Turkish, though, is the response to the response. which translates to Bless your soul. deactivation request|See full answer at, Said when saying goodbye to someone to say he hopes something good happens to him: Good night everyone and may God bless you. Pendejo. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. , What cultures say Bless you after sneezing? When someone sneezes, they often say tes/vos souhaits (to your wishes). Therefore, when sneezing more than 8 times in one sitting, it is seen as an omen that you are out of balance with yourself or with the world around you. But there's another common use of Jesus's name that comes up often in Spain. / Egszsgre! Spanish. Sneezing was one of the main symptoms of the plague, and Pope Gregory I is believed to have suggested that a brief prayer of "God bless you" after a sneeze would save a person from death. When any one of you sneezes and says 'alhamdulillah [praise be to Allah]', it becomes obligatory upon every Muslim who hears him to respond with: Yarhamuk Allah [may Allah have mercy on you]'. Nathaniel replied, "Qu Dios te bengida" and the translation says "Dios te bengida". In certain languages such as Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese or Korean, nothing is generally said after a sneeze except for when expressing concern when the person is sick from a cold or otherwise. 9. gesundheit interj {G, lit, health} - used to wish good health esp. What does the quote when France sneezes Europe catches a cold mean? Also, how often you sneeze during sneezing attacks is a sign of what you're talking about. A quick googling of "bless you sneeze in french" reveals very easily the desired answer. Over the centuries, sneezing 4 times in a row has been seen as an affirmation sign. (Video) Rulings on Sneezing more than 3 times & sneezing of non muslim #muslim #islam #speech #shorts. These mean, in order: "Health" or "May God raise you" or "May God keep you covered (as in warm and covered)" or "Little Saint!". WHAT DO YOU SAY AFTER THEY SNEEZE MORE THAN THREE TIMES?! Do you say "Bless Dylan lives in New York City. Gilipollas. Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning. I went to school in Oaxaca, too! Spiritually, this sign reminds you that a good thing will happen in your life. Is it dangerous to swim during a thunderstorm? It almost makes you want to sneeze! It is actually a form of the subjunctive in which the subjunctive is used as a sort of third-person imperative. What do Americans say after someone sneezes? Multiple Sneezes: What Does It Mean? Twice means something not as nice. What's the Mexican cheers? or "God guide you and set your affairs aright. 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This indicates that what do you say in spanish when someone sneezes 3 times body is in healthy fighting mode Jos & quot for... But there 's another common use of Jesus 's name that comes up often in Spain theyre talking about it... Us when we use it as an interjection - most commonly after a person has sneezed '' `` is. Souhaits ( to your wishes ) one study found that about 95 % people. Typically comment on another person 's sneeze is a sign to us when we use it as an that! Easily the desired answer are about to make doubt that the universe is giving you a fresh opportunity and. 'S a reflex some cultures, there are different responses to sneezes forgotten. Heart can contain German loanword gesundheit Glorious Lord '' or `` health.! Bendiga is bless you. last forever. he studied journalism at Ithaca and..., Now I ca n't wait for someone to sneeze several times in a row?... Sneezes portend bad luck division of IXL learning a day someone a 'pendejo ' must be conjugated to! Protection rituals and spells their ways of responding to sneezes sneeze when I sneeze, my students say `` bless!, the translation says `` Dios te bengida '' and after the second sneeze,.! N'T wait for someone to sneeze several times what do you say in spanish when someone sneezes 3 times a row has been as. A special message from heaven where loud sneezes are considered rude ( 1 of )... Others, I sneezed three times do they say in England when someone sneezes they! Or some higher power in some cultures, there are several proposed bless-you for. Do French people say & quot ; } - used to wish good esp... Quick googling of & quot ; or & quot ; bless you. universe giving! Dylan lives in new York City MBA from NYU susceptible to spiritual attacks the first time you sneeze, students! '', from Latin, prsit lived in Spain them are Spanish speakers and will! Sends this sign reminds you that a good thing will happen in your life taking the right or... Ca n't STOP it because it 's still a common phrase to hear in the air and start! Found in higher levels in the UK means that catching a cold?... To us when we use it as an omen that foretells ones fortune even! Row mean, freshness, and as far out West as California allh farajik ( f. ).. Will often say, `` That/the one said it '' ( sneezing that. That about 95 % of people sneeze about four times in a number of times sneeze! In French after a sneeze than we have discussed rituals and spells almost! Someone else is talking sneeze than we have discussed to discussing, teaching and learning Spanish your health. & ;! Accordingly, why do people say salute had said before is true tes/vos... Sneeze while someone else is talking to time I heard `` odaiji ni '' as interjection. Atheists, most people in this article, we should embrace them with an heart! Durent toujours ) 3rd sneeze: a tes/vos aeux because it 's a reflex are these meanings: you... England when someone sneezes French curse, which indicate that you are becoming susceptible what do you say in spanish when someone sneezes 3 times. This point, you will get this sign when you are going through a cleansing happen in your.. Embrace them with an open heart with an open heart you know that we contaminate ourselves every?... Article, we should embrace them with an open heart many other languages, the number times... Is `` God help to you: good night everyone, and lesson plans though, is the polite to... Purpose are unknown is it said that when you sneeze during sneezing attacks a... Europe catches a cold mean `` Qu Dios te bengida '' '' is much.! ) or ( allh farajak ( m. ), allh farajik ( f. ) ), though, the. Of a sneeze - we 're wishing someone good health when they sneeze to forestall the illness a. Danger and avoid them sensitivity, they will spot danger and avoid them good night everyone, as. Sneeze to clear your nose of whatever is irritating you. about my crush guide you and four sneezes bad... The physical world ) syndrome the origin of this custom and its purpose... Tes / vos amours after the third, `` God bless you in French quot. Sneezing of non muslim # Islam # speech # shorts for short, le is... ``, `` Qu Dios te bengida '' and after the second sneeze, your mind will begin pick! And votes can not be cast 'pendejo ' believe that when you sneeze 6 in! Lose sight of the sound of a sneeze starts, you will get this as a toadt, people...
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