It had been a long time coming. She is also the granddaughter of Kim Philby, the notorious double-agent known as the third man in the Cambridge spy ring. He worked as a journalist until 1940, when Guy . "It was winter and we were going out for a walk and I found one of my boots had disappeared. But whether that came with any sense of self-pity is something else entirely. When author Charlotte Philby's partner ended their relationship, her world fell apart. Debt-ridden couple killed their dog and then shot themselves dead with shotgun on the day they were due to Rishi Sunak says he is 'ensuring the safety of women and children' by blocking Scottish gender law as SNP Let them eat cake! Donald is well and happy to be with his family again. When I happened upon the story of Edith Tudor-Hart, I knew that she was the person I had to write about. Britain declares that Philby is the Third Man. Did your father, John, talk about his father?We never had a family meeting where he said: Right, Im going to explain to you who your grandfather was. That was not at all the kind of person he was. And sadness. Little Donald said perhaps he had gone to India because that would be a good place to hide., Donald Maclean with his wife Melinda Marling and his two sons Ronald and Fergus in the 50s, Wanted pictures are posted at a Berlin checkpoint for Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess, Guy Burgess (pictured) did not cope well to life in the Soviet Union - he got drunk and roamed Kuybyshev looking for action, on one occasion having his teeth knocked out in a brawl. The whole plan is being masterminded by Kim Philby in Moscow. The first reports that Russia ranks 143rd in a list of the worlds freest economies, just one spot higher than countries with repressed economies like Vietnam, Ecuador, Belarus and Ukraine, while the next tells how oligarch Roman Abramovich, whose wealth is valued at 7 billion, has just snapped up 35 notable artworks to decorate his 560ft private yacht. But neither was entirely impervious. Kim sacrificed everything he had: he risked his life and the lives of others, he betrayed his colleagues and duped his family and friends (even spying on his own father at one stage, as will be explained shortly) because he genuinely believed from the point when he joined the movement and set his sights against the seemingly irrepressible rise of Fascism that Communism was a cause worth holding dear above all else. "Once, a big group of us were on a trip on the Volga: Kim and I and, of course, his KGB escort, and the escort's daughter. This is absolutely the best place for us. Foreign Secretary Harold Macmillan states in Parliament that there is no evidence of Philby having betrayed the interests of Britain. John Philby, who has died aged 65, was the eldest son of the Russian spy Kim Philby, unmasked in 1963 as a double agent and the notorious Third Man in the Cambridge spy ring of the 1930s. But as the months turned into years and no word came from him, she sank into depression at the realisation that she was now bringing up their children alone. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Kim Philby in Russia in 1968, five years after defecting. They had access to the special shops reserved for the Soviet elite, and were able to import canned goods and drinks from Denmark. She cashed a substantial cheque, bought her toddler daughter some new clothes and settled an outstanding garage bill. Inside he wrote: Herewith a few extracts from our bible. As for Melinda the central figure in the circle of loyalty and secrecy, desertion and reconciliation, love and solitariness that was the human drama of Donald Macleans life she lived well into her 90s before dying in New York in 2010, silent to the end about her years with one of Britains most infamous traitors. So Philby left his wife and children in England in September 1956, arriving in a country for which he had little natural sympathy. 1957Aileen Furse, Philbys second wife, dies. With his brilliant mind and First from Cambridge, Maclean could bask in being the superior intellect to an under-educated, attractive woman who was both affectionate and popular, where he was withdrawn, giving nothing of himself away. Some could never quite come to terms that he was a traitor. Five minutes later, Im watching the shadow of a tall, leafless tree falling against the snow on the path in front of my grandfathers tombstone, wondering who it was whod been here in the past few hours and placed a bunch of brightly coloured flowers at the foot of his grave. In Philbys own eyes he was working for the shape of things to come from which his country would benefit., Kim went to great efforts upon his return to England to cover the traces of his Communist background joining the Anglo-German fellowship in 1934, and editing its pro-Hitler magazine. I remember Kims words: I have followed exactly the same line the whole of my adult life. He was my grandfather, and then as I grew older it became apparent that he was someone else, too. But believe me I did the right thing and dont regret it, she wrote, aware of those who might read her letters on both sides of the Iron Curtain. They lived together for three years, until a younger woman caught the philandering Philbys eye. And while on holiday in Majorca, she gave away a lot of her clothes to the maid of a family she was staying with. Philby was a 19-year-old art student when his father was exposed in 1963 as a traitor. But it wasnt true. In 1963, having been exposed in Britain as the notorious Third Man in the Cambridge Spy Ring, Kim fled to Moscow, never again to set foot from behind the Iron Curtain. Now, in an attempt to impose some order on my own understanding of my grandfather, to clarify the kaleidoscopic image of him which has formed in my mind, I have returned for the first time as an adult to the country where, in political exile, he lived out the last 25 years of his life. Eleanor found Melinda amusing but nervous and highly strung and yearning for the luxuries of Western capitalism. Back in England, begins to cover up his past, joining the Anglo-German Fellowship, editing its pro-Hitler magazine. He liked the fact that you could only buy seasonal goods in Moscow, but asked family members to bring out the non-perishables he loved and couldnt get there marmalade, Marmite and Worcestershire sauce. P&P free on orders over 15. Finally the car grinds to a halt, and the driver, catching my eye in his rear-view mirror, gives a nod. Maclean accused Philby of being a double agent working for the British and they stopped speaking. After graduating from Washington University, she worked for the advertising agency J. Walter Thompson in San Francisco. He was 65. "I tried everything to save him; after all, he was killing himself. Kim leapt up and shouted, 'Whoever is rude to my wife is rude to me!' His eldest son was my father, John - who was himself a 19-year-old art student in 1963 when he first learnt of Kim's espionage; stepping off a ferry on the Isle of Wight, he was met by a billboard stating that Kim was a wanted man. The little blue pill really is magic! Donald refused to become part of the twilight brigade community of defectors, down-at-heel, disillusioned and wondering how they had got there. Princess Anne is the 'perfect' example of a spare thanks to her 'sense of duty', Charles's first royal RSVP! He always knew what he was risking his family, his friends, his reputation and he made his choices accordingly. She sensed that the Macleans marriage was a difficult one again, with Donald on occasion still getting hopelessly drunk. But such treatment did not last and they were quickly dispatched to the closed city of Kuybyshev, 600 miles east of Moscow far away, they were told, from British assassination squads. This is not the first time Charlotte Philby has written in defense of her grandfathers actions. While working as a senior member of British intelligence, he spied on behalf of the Soviet KGB and NKVD from the early 1930s until 1963, when he defected to Moscow. Kim Philby and Nicholas Elliott. Takes charge of British intelligence in Spain and Portugal. . Image: Barney Beech, The courtyard outside Kim's flat. Edith and Kim: The brilliant new historical spy novel based on the true story of the woman behind the Cambridge spies in Cold War espionage. It was a few years after this, in 1933, that Kim went to Vienna. Fergie is horrified that [Donald] might have done something wrong at the office and the FO will be very angry when he returns. I am learning more about my family everyday.. He achieved the deception by employing his occasional stutter, so as to buy himself time to think before telling another bare-faced lie. Today, this pedestrianised street is only accessible by a coded gate, and the faade of the building has been tarted up almost beyond recognition. Her fourth novel, Edith and Kim, tells the linked stories of her grandfather and Edith Tudor-Hart, a Jewish photojournalist born in Vienna, who studied at the Bauhaus, married an Englishman,. 1944Appointed head of Section IX, newly formed to operate against Communism and the Soviet Union. Philby was a 25-year-old reporter for The Times and had just returned from covering the Spanish Civil War when he met rebellious Aileen Furse in London in 1937. Charlotte Philby was only five years old when Kim died, but says she vividly remembers her grandfathers small modest flat several floors above ground level, in central Moscow, as well as the epic games of chess [the double spy played with her] dad over several glasses of whiskey when the family would visit him in Russia. Then, with no more information to be had, the story of the Macleans went dead. Amnesia in Literature and Film After reading it briefly, my dad had simply shrugged and tossed the note in the bin. Many times Ive pored over images of the tall, polished tombstone with the Cyrillic script, and the image of his face etched on its surface, in newspaper cuttings and family photos. He had got afraid that I would leave, and hidden the boot.". After Donald Maclean fled to Moscow to escape arrest in Britain as the spy who, for 15 years, had passed state secrets to the Soviet Union, friends of his wife, Melinda, found it easy to believe that she knew nothing of her husbands treachery. To see through to the end what he started? Grandpas flat is almost exactly as he left it: After Kim left, I didnt want to change anything, Rufa says. Is it time Harry & Meghan accept Clarkson's apology and move on? But the place where Kims presence looms largest from every corner is in his study. . On the eve of his 99th birthday, I spent, At Kim's flat with his partner, Rufina. The comments below have not been moderated. Kim Philbys granddaughter describes memories of her grandfather. Like your own Holy Writ, it is open to many different (and often conflicting) interpretations, according to the tastes and prejudices of the reader., In the accompanying letter, he adds: The difficulty is that [Lenin] was always writing at white-heat on burning questions of the day (or even hour); and naturally his strategy and tactics changed to meet changing circumstances My Russian edition has 55 large volumes, so there is ample room for selective quotation and even spurious interpolation. Online calculator reveals how inflation-busting 14.4% hike will Do not sell or share my personal information. So, too, have I seen images of his cold body decorated with medals in an open coffin, armed guards at either side, as the lavish funeral procession made its way through Kuntsevo Cemetery to this very spot. As for the drinking, Kim never needed an excuse to crack open a bottle; he was a drinker in good times and in bad. Melinda fitted the bill. I think Ive spent so long having other people project their versions of my grandfather and my family on to me that writing about it is a way of trying to reclaim the story. Kim Philby on holiday with his last wife Rufina Pukhova, 1970s. As previously noted, this has been taken as a sign along with his heavy drinking that in the end, Kim was left a broken man, disillusioned and dejected, having arrived in Moscow expecting to be given important assignments and a high-ranking role in the KGB, only to be left with very little to do, and plied with booze to keep him compliant. The reporter adds that Kim demonstrated an iron head for drink during the course of their subsequent meetings, which took place over a series of long, boozy meals: I could detect no change in his alertness or joviality as the waiter arrived with relays of 300 grams of vodka or 600 grams of Armenian brandy. Like my father, Kim had amazing stamina for drink; the pair of them would knock it back over games of chess at the flat in Moscow (while I ran around wreaking havoc in the living room) and on the long trips to Siberia and Bulgaria they took together. Fergus announced to some children with whom he was playing that My Daddy wants to stop all wars. Charlotte Philby, 39, is a former investigative reporter and the author of three critically acclaimed spy novels. Kim Philby: new revelations about spy emerge in secret files UK government launched campaign to block memoirs being published fearing damaging disclosures Kim Philby had been secretly. Two years later, a Sunday Times correspondent was in Moscow and about to pack his bags after an unsuccessful attempt to interview the Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, when, out of the blue, he was invited to a room in his hotel. Image: Barney Beech, A Sunday Times best book of the year, here is Edith and Kim in review - and where to find signed first editions, An interview with Stephanie Merritt about Edith and Kim, the perils of writing about family, and why female spies often get overlooked, From a compendium of stories about life at the Bauhaus to a Modernist memoir by the founder of the iconic Isokon, here are some of the books that inspired my forthcoming novel, For the Telegraph, I wrote about the woman who recruited my grandfather to the Soviets - the subject of my forthcoming novel Edith and Kim, My tribute to the late - and truly great - master of spy fiction, for the i paper, From a celebration of the life of John le Carr at Cheltenham to an exploration of women and crime in Chiswick, please join me at one of the following events, across the country (and the internet!). Philby was recruited, it reveals, because it was mistakenly believed that his father, St John, was a British intelligence officer. In time, details emerged of their lives after they defected. Exposure showed me along with William Boyds Restless how you can write a novel that is ostensibly a spy story but is really about the people, and the families, at the heart of a great betrayal. He was previously married to Rufina Ivanovna Pukhova, Eleanor Brewer, Aileen Furse and Litzi Friedmann. Because hed told her from the very start. For one thing, Kims life behind the Iron Curtain wasnt bad. He didnt seem to mind that their marriage was over. Kim went to great efforts upon his return to England to cover the traces of his Communist background joining the Anglo-German fellowship in 1934, and editing its pro-Hitler magazine; making repeated visits to Berlin for talks with the German propaganda ministry; even being personally presented with the Red Cross of Military Merit award by Franco in 1938. . Life is good here in every way.. The pair got on well in those later years they were very similar in many ways and my father said he never felt any resentment, not even when he unfairly came under fire by virtue of his name. He said, 'Why do old people live so badly here? Prince Harry drops 45 points and Meghan Markle 36 points in just over a month in US public opinion poll Sadiq Khan faces furious backlash over plans for biggest transport and council tax rises in a decade as James Martin warns This Morning viewers why they should NEVER store their eggs in the fridge. Which author do you most admire?I dont have favourites, but I love Helen Dunmore. Your email address will not be published. But I dont think my grandfather ever questioned a single decision he made. Theirs had always been a stormy marriage, punctuated by bad behaviour on both sides and terrible rows. In her article, published yesterday in British daily The Independent, she describes Kim Philby as "a proud man, and one who chose to publicly stand by his actions". Many of the street names have changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. And if a soldier is fighting for a cause he believes in, which he believes is worth sacrificing single human lives for, but then in the end his side loses the war, does that mean that he was wrong to have stood up and fought in the first place? Feeling a strong dissatisfaction with British policy in the Middle East, Kims father resigned from the Foreign Service in 1930, converting to Islam and taking the name Hajj Abdullah. To order a copy for 15, visit books or call 0844 571 0640. ", Pukhova, now 78, said she was irritated by stories about Philby's drink problem, but admitted he wasn't always able to stick to his two-glass rule. Aileen and the children also moved to America and the Philby's took a spacious, ramshackle two-storeyed place at 4100 Nebraska Avenue. Did you feel that as you uncovered her story?I feel a huge amount of sympathy for her situation, and admiration, really. After five years of silence, communications were re-established with family and friends. Our driver makes various calls en route, each consisting of just a few short sentences, before turning into a different burial ground up the road, manned with armed guards. He betrayed his country yes, perhaps he did, Greene continues, but who among us has not committed treason to something or someone more important than a country? He believed in freedom of speech and thought that Stalinism and all that were temporary and obviously, the outcome proved otherwise. When the news broke in Britain that she, too, had defected, the Press rounded on Melinda, turning the pathetic and lonely figure theyd previously portrayed her as into a scheming deceiver. He was tall and fair; she was slight with curly, dark hair. Image: Beech Beech. But we visited Kim in Moscow and those holidays form some of my earliest memories, so it wasnt like he was a secret. It was, in fact, those journeys to Kims flat which form some of my strongest early memories: flying down the third lane of the motorway in an unmarked car. However, Pukhova said the fear that she would leave had helped her husband temper his intake in later years. How much more so when its your own family?My relationship to my grandfather is complex and constantly evolving. What are you currently reading?Im trying to reconnect with what made me fall in love with books and the process of writing so Im going back to reread some of the books that feel seminal for me: The Beach, The Child in Time, White Teeth, Disgrace, The Poisonwood Bible and The Peoples Act of Love. In the end despite having been what Allen Dulles (de facto head of the CIA from 1953 to 1961) once reluctantly described as the best spy Russia ever had Kim was watched over as much as looked after by his masters, and he was not used to his full potential. Given all that Melinda had gone through, the pity she had had to accept and the dissembling she had had to practise, that first meeting overseen by Soviet officials was a strained affair. Charlotte Philby. Was that a selfish decision? 1941Transferred to SIS Iberian sub-section. "His alcoholism was suicide," she told the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Find out where Kim Philby was born, their birthday and details about their professions, education, religion, family and other life details and facts. The KGB's only object in the world is to destroy me and the agency. He went on to serve the KGB for 54 years. En route, I pass some of Kims old haunts, and heeding his advice to visitors If you can no longer feel your nose, go inside stop off briefly for coffee at that famous Soviet hangout the Hotel Metropole. My second novel is The Times' Book of the Month for July 2020, Chapman Pincher: The Spy-Catcher of Fleet Street, Edith Tudor-Hart: The grandmother of the Cambridge Spies, John le Carr: The writer who made me want to write, ELLE: An unexpected friendship with the other woman. But so it was. They're at it again! Having secured Kims first meeting with the Western press since his arrival in Moscow, Sayle says he finds him a courteous man [who] smiles a great deal, and his well-cut grey hair and ruddy complexion suggests vitality and enjoyment of life. Once hed gone, she rode out the public furore, the door-stepping journalists, the MI5 questioning, the abuse and insinuations, the bullying of her sons at school. For one thing, like all the men in the Philby family, he was bloody-minded. November 16, 2017. No doubt your grandfather would have disapproved of the sharp contrasts in present-day Russia, he said. Later she became a journalist at the Independent. But he also did it to impress her. In Spain, reports the Civil War from General Francos side, and is awarded the Red Cross of Military Merit by Franco. All was reasonably well between them until Kim Philby the master-spy who recruited him back in their Cambridge days himself defected in 1963. The view from one of the windows is notably different, too. The spy novelist, whose latest book tells the story of her grandfather Kim Philby and the Soviet agent Edith Tudor-Hart, talks about the perils of writing about family, and why female spies get overlooked. Perhaps. To the very end, as I find out when I set foot into his flat, Kim surrounded himself with things pertaining to British culture and life on the other side of the Iron Curtain: from PG Wodehouse novels to the Indian spices he used for his legendary curries. Being one of North Korea's elite, for the nation he was the highest profile defection since No Kum-sok (above . Kim even duped his own children, and left them behind when he fled to Moscow. Slowly but surely, he was turning himself into one of the most cunning and treacherous double agents of all time. Her fourth novel, Edith and Kim, tells the linked stories of her grandfather and Edith Tudor-Hart, a Jewish photojournalist born in Vienna, who studied at the Bauhaus, married an Englishman, worked as a Soviet agent in London and introduced Kim to his Russian handler. But I had to find the right way to approach it. He and Pukhova married in 1971, when he was 59 and she was 38. The committee is serving as the unwitting instrument of the KGB." Kim Philby was a high-ranking member of British intelligence who worked as a double agent before defecting to Soviet Union in 1963. Two years later he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Create a free website or blog at A plaque in his honour was unveiled by the head of the foreign intelligence service at its headquarters in Moscow in December. In 1955, Harold Macmillan, then Foreign Secretary, issued a statement confirming that there was no evidence that Kim Philby was a Soviet agent. He would say we and our when speaking of the Soviet Union and defended his adopted countrys brutal crushing of the Hungarian Uprising in 1956 an event that disgusted many Left-wing supporters back in the UK. One can hardly overlook the irony of a man who so resolutely betrayed his country, surrounding himself in his Soviet apartment with British condiments, newspapers and light-hearted English classics. Next to articles about him online, readers routinely describe him as evil and a cancer on society. At the sight of our car, the men leap from their posts, saluting and buzzing the electric gates; one jumps into the front seat and calls out instructions as we roll off again. Macleans study resembled that of a Cambridge professor, with copies of Trollope, biographies of Gladstone and airmail editions of The Times. Elliott was born in London, the son of Claude Aurelius Elliott, a don at Cambridge and Headmaster at Eton, where Nicholas was sent after Durnford School, a prep school on the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset.. After leaving Trinity College, Cambridge, Elliott was offered a post in 1938 as Honorary Attache at the Hague by Sir Nevile Bland.His career in secret intelligence came by chance . death death: 1988-05-11. She was a horsey product of the. The two men said very little and the interview lasted barely five minutes. The colourful characters of spymaster Gertrude Bell (the first female officer in the British Army), the legendary "Lawrence of Arabia," and the astute traitor St. John Philby (father of the notorious KGB double-spy Kim Philby) are all so dynamic that their heroics are hard to believe, but nevertheless true and soundly researched by a perceptive . Little and the Soviet Union part of the twilight brigade community of,... 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