You can either accept that, or not, but it doesnt change the fact that I know, based on a lifetime of experience, what I am talking about. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2Peter 1:20 KJ. Summary: People accuse pastors of covering sin when they themselves did not follow the Biblical Instruction in Genesis 39. So, if this rebirth has happened it cannot unhappen. Dont hesitate. He admitted to taking a sixteen-year-old girl across state lines and attempting to have sex with her. Why do as humans insist on feeding on other peoples garbage? Yes, what happened is that I walked away from Christianity. The reality is, I am a strong believer myself. Jack Schaap (pronouncedskop), former pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, was released from prison on May 4 after serving nine years (of a 12-year sentence) for a sexual relationship with a teenage church member (Former pastor released,The Times of Northwest Indiana, Munster, May 14, 2022). Its a shame we dont put to death adulterous men like they did in the Old Testament, then Cindy wouldnt have to go through a divorce, she would be a widow and could remarry on her own accord. Your love of condemning others is more proof of him though, I guess, because simple humans dont get such a kick from pontification in Hate! 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Is this prison thing a comment on marriage??? Various news articles, including Chicago Magazine and the Star-Telegram in Fort Worth, Texas, have documented the patterns of alleged abuse and sexual assault - most cases involving teenage girls. Glen, Ill not respond at length but I will say this. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Schaap, the son-in-law of Jack Hyles, took the pastorate after Hyles death in 2001. Thats the bartender, right? And the pray for one that sits behind bars! So you gave up the faith you once believed in? So, youre an apostate. It is sickening to me that a man who claims to be a messenger of God, with a daughter of his own, would take advantage of a young girl in such an evil and immoral manner.. His actions speak for themselves. Before moving to Jack's current city of Durham, NC, Jack lived in Crete IL, Dyer IN and Hammond IN. First Baptist has influencedthousandsof churches. i was there also between 1986-88 and always though Jack Schaap was a pervert and was just waiting for the chance to take over FBC when Dr. Hyles passed away. Which Schaap is guilty of. I am not. *A little while later, Kingsbury sent another text* "Dont bother sending it to anyone. Published: 00:00 EST, 4 January 2013 | Updated: 22:04 EST, 4 January 2013. What they really mean is look at what I want the bible to appear to be suggesting. Juju bees, Thank you, Reverend, for pointing out the truth. Was it how she dressed, In places in the Middle East women and girls are raped all the time, and they have to wear burquas. How Covid Restrictions Affected Religious Groups. This recently released document reveals the evidence that will put him away. I am convinced that most preacher practice situation ethics. Especially if there were Bible Colleges attached to their churches. - Kaifetz wrote a 187 page book called "Profaned Pulpit: The Jack Schaap Story." In it he focuses more on his personal experiences with Jack Schaap, as well as the corruption that was going on under Hyles' leadership. You gossiping Jezebel. Other IFB Christians and pastors think differently. All men do. (Friday Church News Notes, August 26, 2022,,, 866-295-4143),
Rick, the term gossiping Jezebel tells your ugly heart story, you patriarchal bully asshole. She told her husband when he came home from work. I cannot assume to know the condition of any mans heart. The relationship lasted from June 1, 2012 to July 30, 2012, during which he traveled with her from Indiana to Illinois to Michigan, 'with the intent that she engage in sexual activity', according to the Chicago Tribune. When Jack Schaap found out that Kaifetz read Glover's book, it completely ended their friendship. In my opinion, Jack Schaap has always held a high personal standard of moral excellence, honesty, integrity, and a strong work ethic. If you were assaulted or molested and did not report it to Gods other ministers as taught in Romans 13 your car or house is evidently more important than the well-being of your family member. You are a very sad and bitter old man. He taught you well. Mega-churches have also received a fair amount of criticism, as some say they focus more on entertainment than on worship, and that large numbers detract the amount of time pastors can spend with the congregation. Since when is being board certified any indication of competence? I am so glad she is divorced from that cad. Study Romans 13:1-6. Jesus lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again the third day and whether we believe it or not doesnt change it from being a reality. Dismissed: Dr Jack Schaap, who was the pastor of First Baptist Church in Hammond for more than a decade, was let go in August, Big city: Shaap's wife, Cindy, second left, is the daughter of famed Baptist Rev Jack Hyles; here, they're pictured in front of Chicago's Buckingham Fountain, Caught: A deacon of First Baptist Church saw a picture on Schaap's phone from a teenage girl; the picture allegedly showed the two kissing. Last year, he was chastised for his views on women, believing them to be an inferior species and saying husbands should take charge of their wives and blasted Eve as being the sinner. Hes mentioned in the same breath at times with God. Schaap is imprisoned in Ashland, Kentucky, where he and more than 300 others contracted COVID-19 this fall, according to his letter, making him no longer afraid he would pass it onto his parents.. It says nothing about abortion, yet abortion is almost universally opposed. So does love commit sex with a minor? On another point Im curious about what circumstances led you to cast off your fundamental beliefs and cast yourself into the agnostic arena. Jack's relationship status is married. 140 letters written by family, staff, and parishioners were submitted as exhibits to be reviewed by the judge as he carried out sentencing. If I were going to that church, I would not stop going to church just because of some bad people. (Wow, this is kinda funreminds me of childhood!) During a church youth conference. I think I actually get it! You may be threatened so much that you mouth the words I believe, but you wouldnt really. Remember, you will be held accountable for every word. have extreme sex drives? And if Im wrong (Im not!) LGBTG community in there church there nothing wrong about gay people at all if gay people want to join a Baptist church without being denied. Mr Bruce truth is truth regardless of whether we believe it or not. He does sound like bad news. Jack Schaap (pronounced skop ), former pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, was released from prison on May 4 after serving nine years (of a 12-year sentence) for a sexual relationship with a teenage church member ("Former pastor released," The Times of Northwest Indiana, Munster, May 14, 2022). Bro. Let them talk about why they are bitter? Story inside. In fact, Id say quite better because I know me! *sigh*. I try to be very careful not to place myself or others in situations where words can be taken out of context, misconstrued, or ideas can be misrepresented. No, a lifetime of study and work makes me an expert. I once believed and now I dont. You obviously have joined into the sconer realm. This is not a local church matter. I was married to a Pastors Daughter for nearly seven years. - Lorinda Campbell (Sunday School Teacher) The sin he committed does not define or describe the man I have known for the past twenty years. Prepare for the Devil and his angels! Currently, Jack is married. After all, dont they have the Holy Spirit living in them? What interests me is how her divorce will be explained within the Kingdom of Jack Hyles and the broader IFB church movement. In the September plea agreement, Schaap admitted that he had sex with the girl, who turned 17 a week after the relationship started. Just sayin! March 15, . Those are facts, and us not believing them does not make them any less true. Then get down on your knees and pray for yourself because brother Steven, you need prayer. Like all Evangelical zealots, he fails to understand that the Bible has no power/authority over people who do not believe it is some sort of divine text or magic book. Otherwise you run the risk of providing false information to others which they may use to make a pre concieved judgment. I see nothing on this page that would help anyone be a better person. Feel free to email me if you want more info, not gossip, just truth. What Sins ought to be covered> See 1 Peter 4:8. Jack is doing time for grooming and seducing a minor- Fundies, get over it ! Schaap pleaded. Cindy Schaap- Former pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hammond in Indiana Dr. Jack Schaap's Wife. The unsaved world will disagree, and they can go argue with the Boble about it. Thats why it does not say, except it be for adultery. A prime example would be the case of Joseph and Mary. I do, however, worship my wife. The goal of the rally - like everything I do with the Preacher Boys Podcast - is to try to shed light on abuse, give a voice to survivors, and spark helpful conversations. Morris, yes, fearful thing. Also pray for rhe one who sits behind bars. Shaming and blaming are not necessary but far more a part of Baptist churches hmm, I wonder if repressing bitterness and other human feelings releases the need to shame and blame. Each one insists it is right, and only it. 3) | How a Survivor Became an Advocate. It is notable that the founder and president of Providence Baptist College, has a history of inflammatory political rhetoric. A Response to Tim Challies (Part Two) | Here's the Joy. In this trial, Schaap began by claiming, in effect, that his prostate made him do it, as part of an attempt to lighten his 10-year minimum prison sentence. Hes a loathsome piece of flotsam who used his position to exploit underage female church members. So what if they are bitter. Jack Schaap preaching in 2010. In short, it is of no assistance in offering even the faintest guidance to our modern day to day existence. But I would say this to anyone reading this post: theyre bad people that work at WalMart but Im not going to stop shopping there. Mr Bruce I have one question for you why are you so bitter ? The bible teaches you to hate gays, but also teaches that homosexuality is fine. 1. Posted at 16:09h in Uncategorized by 0 Comments. ! Later this week, I plan to write a post about marriage and divorce and how IFB churches handle divorce. It was 12 years. The thinking goesGod hates divorce and God intends for marriage to be between one man and one woman for life. So, what you are saying is that Jack Schaaps wife is partially to blame for him having sex with the teenager he was counseling. A truth, by the way, that is considered by many Christians to be a misunderstanding of the text. As most of you have seen, I had planned to lead a peaceful gathering of survivors at North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, CA. Schaap served 11 of a 12 year sentence. Are Christian pastors meant have sex with a minor? I know her heavenly Father loves her and is caring for her and that she is finding comfort in Him. What the hell does all this word salad even mean? I do know he was in sin, and it doesnt appear he had remorse for it. Jack Schaap. Joseph RAN. You can download these past questions from our site! I'd recommend those interested to read The Great Sex Rescue by Sheila Gregoire, Talking Back to Purity Culture by Rachel Welcher, Prey Tell by Tiffany Bluhm, or Recovering From Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by Aimee Byrd for a start. Put 100 IFB preachers in a room and youll end up with numerous opinions about marriage, separation, and divorce, with each person believing that their interpretation of the Bible is clear. The new book releasing in March 2021 from Brazos Press explores the dynamics of power and lack of accountability that occur within many organizational contexts and encourages women and men to speak out in the face of unjust systems. (Publishers Summary) Prey Tell is undeniably well-researched, but it also comes from personal experience. Blame and shame go deep and people say ridiculous things, juju, to keep their lids down tight so that they dont have to face the truth. You mention biblical forgiveness. There are some 42000 Christian denominations. I am a HAC graduate and at a place where I dont cast accusations, only look for valid, responsible answers. ! Long-running: Schaap, pictured preaching from the church's pulpit, had been pastor there since 2001, but was dismissed after a vote from the deacons, Place of worship: The First Baptist Church is located in Hammond, Indiana, and is partially housed in the old federal court building; its auditorium sits 7,500, Roots: Schaap, pictured left, is married to Cindy Schaap, the daughter of the late Rev Jack Hyles, right, who founded the First Baptist Church in Hammond. He was born on 6 April 1951 in New York, New York, United States, he was 70 years at the time of his demise. You are an intelligent man, and I can respect your view points with the hope that I can counter your arguments with intelligent, spiritual reasoning. Having a better understanding of what went down there now than then, I am happy for Cindy. Dont these pastors preach against this sort of thing (Of course they do)? For Jesus would have it this way. Should a Monument to Anthony Wayne be Erected in Defiance, Ohio? I too belong to an IFB church, and went through a divorce myself several years ago. You have not one iota, one speck of proof for even the existence of your Hateful Boss. Never alone with females, period. Seems odd to me that as a psychologist youd sound so judgemental. As anyone who spent any time in an IFB church can tell you, divorce is forbidden. I will remain you that independent churches operate as a group as they do not often take their doctrine from the declarations of a man, most independent churches, regardless of the denomination.. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Mr. Proctor, may I draw your attention to the commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness? Im sure youve heard that one before. Is this extreme sex drive justification for Schaaps criminal behavior? Doesnt love do no wrong to ones neighbour? So yes she is to blame and he is to blame. Jack's guilty plea apparently wasn't enough to lose the favor of his devoted followers. This is the next chapter in the story of the First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, an organizationChicago magazine has been following since a feature in the January 2013 issue. Jesus is still on the throne. LOVELY . Dont attempts at cover ups by conservative churches to whitewash such practices, mean that people who are interested in human welfare, like Bruce, have every right to expose them. Trump says HE made the Florida Governor a star by endorsing him when he was 'desperate' and 'politically dead' - and calls him DISLOYAL for considering a run in 2024, 'Of course': Conservative firebrand Lauren Boebert says she WILL win re-election and rejects claims Dem gains caught her by surprise, Trump's 'MyPillow-ization of the GOP': In cutting midterms post-mortem, Republican strategists call Don a 'huge loser' for putting his 'selfish priorities' over the party and blames his 'underperforming' candidates for costing them, 'It's still alive. I will pray for you. Jack Hyles. The Bible is clear that divorce is permitted for adultery. If you have a car stolen who should you call? Yes, it is a very hard truth, as the disciples noted. Believing or not believing the truth only effects our lives and those we influence. Taking into account various assets, Jack's net worth is greater than $250,000 - $499,999; and makes between $100 - 149,999 a year. . Chicago magazine newsletters have you covered. Im so sorry for the hurt in your life that must have caused this. Many focus on seeker services, which often offer little deep theology and instead appeal to sceptics and non-believers. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email: [email protected] Toll free: (866) 364-9980 I was never asked to resign nor leave the church, my church family supported me and encouraged me throughout my difficult journey. If one is bitter could that not be a stepping stone on the road to healing and recovery. Nor do I want to give the signal to pastors that I am going to show up on their sidewalk with a picket sign the minute there is a disagreement. Mat 19:9 seems to have clearly made exceptions in the case of marriage infidelity. If youd said glad Id have agreed. Who was meeting their needs? But not believing it can have a significant impact on your life in this world and in eternity to come. Best regards! Many people can say what they are it does not make them what they say. Almighty and everlasting humanity will thrust you into eternal suffering, the final judgement deemed worthy for your Doublespeak Love. I truly DO hope he's reformed, but, past history in these kinds of cases shows it's not likely. Common sense and human conscience tells us that this is proper. Not your pastor. Potiphars wife REPORTED the attempt the SAME DAY. The nonsense of celestial marriage they postulated, giving them a get out of jail free card from their marital responsibilities is a desperate mental / spiritual gymnastic that comes from someone delusional and probably not in a fulfilling marriage relationship. Not one of these things are true, and I dont want to give people the chance to say that they are. In January 2013,Chicago Magazineran a front-page report entitled Let Us Prey: Big Trouble at First Baptist Church, documenting ten cases of sexual crimes and fornications committed by pastors associated with First Baptist. Dont we have enough things to worry about in our own lives? Its time to unsheath the sword of the Word of God which is the sword of the Spirit. The court filing, which is to be considered with his sentencing, included 140 letters of support from family and church members. Wow. Jack Schaap, 54, had been pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hammond in Indiana for 11 years, but was let go in July after a deacon saw a text on his phone from the teenager, allegedly with a picture of the two of them kissing. Or, to put it another wayif everyone believed and interpreted the Bible as YOU dowed have a different world. Factual. IFB churches seem to be involved in scandals (far too often) and shouldnt the hypocrisy of the leadership be exposed? But marriage becomes Til death do us part after that. Pray for the family and pray for the victims in this. Divorce is forbidden in many IFB churches. Hmmm, something happend in your life! I went to Hammond Baptist High School with Cindy, she was nice, but this was a cult church! I pray this post is a blessing to someone, in Jesus name, amen. Bruce was up to his neck in this for decades, pastoring numerous churches. I dont blame her for divorcing him he shamed the vows he made and he shamed the trust she had in him. Threatening me with future accountability before a fictitious God really has no effect on me. Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. ! Why is no one questioning why this decree is in NC and that the parties are shown as NC residents? I was asked to be a detective. Miles class action lawsuit alleges that she was sexually assaulted beginning at age 13, that at least 10 others have credibly accused D. Hyles of using his position of power to sexually prey on them, and that First Baptist and the College staff members were aware of his reprehensible conduct for years and remained silent (Class Action Sex Abuse Case,Ministry Watch, Dec. 7, 2020). He did step out on Cindy, so divorce was an option, and she took it. Bruce, what happened my brother? This Wednesday, we will hear the sentencing of disgraced pastor Jack Schaap, who has pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage girl who attended his church. In 1976, Daves bookSuccessful Church Youth Workwas published by the Sword of the Lord. But my relationship is not dependent upon my performance as a son it is dependent upon Him. *sigh*. One could write a book on the reasons that purity culture and the church's teachings on sex and modesty misses the mark. I am an expert on the IFB church movement. So his opinion is hardly one to be dismissed lightly. God will know I was sincere. Pastor Jack Schaap, who groomed a teenage girl for sex, is out of prison Megachurch preacher Jack Schaap told his victim that sex was "exactly what Christ desires for us." by Hemant Mehta May 07, 2022 Reading Time: 7 minutes Jack Schaap preaches at Pastors' School 2010 (via YouTube) Reading Time: 7 minutes Pastor Jack Schaap is out of prison. The denominations involved include Baptists, Methodists, and Nondenominational, as well as some Pentecostal churches. 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