2d 346 (1988) (court found no error in submission as an aggravator "the presence of criminal activities by the defendant which involved the attempted use of force or violence" and the aggravator "the presence of any prior felony convictions"); State v. Clark, 108 N.M. 288, 306, 772 P.2d 322, 339, cert. [43] The trial court examined all the prospective jurors in chambers. This case is remanded to the district court to set a date for the execution of the sentence. Further, in other contexts we have not adopted an analysis of our constitutional provision forbidding cruel and unusual punishment which differs from that followed by the United States Supreme Court with respect to the Eighth Amendment. 2 outlined the four-step process required by the Colorado statute. The legislature reasonably could view as particularly cruel the suffering to which a kidnapping victim is subjected, through the criminal's calculated terror, as the victim is forced to accompany him, possibly to the victim's own execution. This factor shall include the intentional killing of a witness to a criminal offense." Art. Peppermint Tree Diseases, The defendant challenges the use by the People in this case of certain of the statutory aggravators established by section 16-11-103(6). Furthermore, I agree with Chief Justice Quinn that harmless error analysis in this *226 case requires a finding beyond a reasonable doubt that the error did not substantially influence the verdict or affect the fairness of the proceedings. 496-97). Such circumstances were present in this case and properly may form the basis for including this murder among those particularly deserving of capital punishment. (1986), must be construed to require the prosecutor to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that mitigating factors do not outweigh aggravating factors). Id. I therefore respectfully dissent from the contrary conclusions of the majority. 2d 344 (1985)), the Court stated: 486 U.S. at 376-77, 384, 108 S. Ct. at 1866-67, 1870 (footnotes omitted); accord, McKoy v. North Carolina, ___ U.S. ___, 110 S. Ct. 1227, 108 L. Ed. *186 The function of aggravators also was discussed by the Supreme Court in McCleskey v. Kemp, 481 U.S. 279, 107 S. Ct. 1756, 95 L. Ed. 528, 250 N.W.2d 867, 874 (1977); State v. Goodman, 298 N.C. 1, 257 S.E.2d 569, 587 (1979). [9] Further, the defendant argues that if any single statutory aggravator used in this case is invalidated by this court, then we *176 must set aside the defendant's death sentence and return this case to the district court so that the defendant might be sentenced to life imprisonment. A. I don't know. Denver. Section 18-1-406(2), under this court's decision in Garcia, grants the defendant the unqualified right to waive a trial by jury. The defendant argues that this language was especially egregious because "the prosecutor disparaged Mr. Davis's exercise of his constitutional rights, improperly arguing that the criminal justice system coddles an accused by extending to him procedural rights," and that the jury had "given the guy a fair trial and could now hang him." He argues that these mitigators fail to give the defendant and the jury adequate notice of "what conduct will subject him to or exclude him from the death penalty." Gregg, 428 U.S. at 183, 96 S. Ct. at 2929. denied, 431 U.S. 969, 97 S. Ct. 2929, 53 L. Ed. 2d 186, 193 (Fla. 1984) (same); State v. Goodman, 298 N.C. 1, 257 S.E.2d 569 (1979) (court holds that trial court erred in submitting to jury both the aggravator that the capital felony was committed to "disrupt or hinder the lawful exercise of any governmental function or the enforcement of laws," and the aggravator that it was committed "for the purpose of avoiding or preventing a lawful arrest"). The question in this case is whether the jurors may have interpreted instruction no. The first paragraph explained that during the first stage of the jury deliberations the jury must find beyond a reasonable doubt that at least one specified aggravator exists. Thus we reject his claim. Gen., Appellate Section, Denver, Steven L. Bernard, Sp. Further, after Graham, all of our cases in this area involved the interpretation of statutes, unlike in Munsell where we recognized the right to waive a trial by jury in the absence of a statute. We reject the defendant's per se challenge to capital punishment.[6]. Defendant's Brief at p. 44, quoting testimony of El Paso County Deputy District Attorney Steve Henry on H.B. It is important to define the type of proportionality review which the defendant urges is required by our constitution. We affirm. All rights reserved. Paroled felons by their previous conduct have shown that the law's deterrent effect was insufficient to dissuade them from engaging in criminal acts. Ark Eternal Space Panda, If, as Bradbury indicated, he was unwilling to return a sentence of death when the law absolutely required him to do so, then the lesser proposition, that he was unwilling to return a death sentence, where under the law it was appropriate but not required, is obviously true. Also, the defendant has not pointed to, and we have not found, any federal cases which support the recognition of a federal constitutional basis for invalidating the use of aggravators which are otherwise individually proper but in a particular case may overlap in part or in whole. Nor did he present a "doubling up" argument to the court during the presentation of the "kidnapping" aggravator. Mitigating factors are circumstances which do not constitute a justification or excuse for the offense in question, but which, in fairness, may be considered as extenuating or reducing the degree of moral culpability or which in any other way, alone or together with other such circumstances, may allow a sentence of life imprisonment instead of the death penalty. Ingrid E Lynn, 83, died Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at her Colorado Springs home with her family by her side. Thus, under the plain language of the statute, this aggravator was proved in this case. In my view, therefore, the trial court's rulings in excluding for cause Ms. Wolfe and Mr. Bradbury violated the defendant's right to a fair and impartial jury on the issue of life or death, with the result that the death sentence imposed by the empaneled jury did not comport with constitutional norms. The Supreme Court has shown no inclination to reexamine this area of the law. [v. 24, p. 36] Thus, the defendant cannot now complain that there is something inherently improper in the term "equal justice.". Brother Vellies Reviews, (1986 & 1989 Supp. After losing a long competency hearing, Moore pled guilty to first degree burglary, second degree burglary, and three counts of habitual criminal, resulting in three life sentences. Ingrid Davis in Colorado. The defendant also argues that the trial court improperly allowed the jury to consider the aggravator defined by section 16-11-103(6)(g) which states: The defendant does not challenge the constitutionality of this aggravator, nor its applicability in this particular case. Producing stories on everything from political scandals to the hottest new bands, with gutsy reporting, stylish writing, and staffers who've won everything from the Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi feature-writing award to the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. Where, as here, the error is of a constitutional character, a reviewing court must be satisfied that the error is harmless beyond a reasonable doubt before the error properly can be categorized as harmless. We believe that the record supports the trial court's granting of the challenge for cause. [3] Although Instruction No. Colorado Legislative Council, An Analysis of 1966 Ballot Proposals, Research Publication No. Whereas another with a similar namediedfrom fatal stabbing four months before the person above. The defendant contends that under the plain language of this section, the legislature contemplated a waiver of the right to a jury trial in a capital case. I agree with Chief Justice Quinn that there was a constitutionally impermissible risk that the jurors may have thought that they had to agree unanimously upon the existence of mitigating factors before considering them in the weighing required in step three of their deliberations. Yes, simply like this page on facebook or search Obituary in Colorado Springs on facebook. Thus, we must determine whether the legislature also intended to include the period of parole following release from incarceration in the phrase "under sentence of imprisonment.". 3d 212, 251, 250 Cal. The defendant also challenges the following remark of the prosecutor during the sentencing phase, to which he did object at trial: [v. 2A, pp. The defendant offers two United States Supreme Court cases, Enmund v. Florida, 458 U.S. 782, 102 S. Ct. 3368, 73 L. Ed. In Colorado, the jury is responsible for weighing aggravators and mitigators. Gen., Richard H. Forman, Sol. 2d 445 (Miss.1984), cert. Defense Bar. To boot, no media has covered anything in concerns to her death, surprisingly. Implicit in the Tenneson decision is the assumption that there exists no independent basis under the state constitutional provision forbidding cruel and unusual punishment on which to base a per se challenge to capital punishment. Unlike other states in which such a review is conducted, here no mechanism has been established for collecting the relevant data from across the state as to cases in which the death sentence was sought or could have been sought, and the factual circumstances surrounding those cases, so that this court could conduct a meaningful review of whether the sentence in a particular case is proportional when compared with all similar cases in Colorado. The Gazette obituaries and Death Notices for Colorado Springs Colorado area . Wolfe indicated to the judge that she was "sure he's guilty." Ingrid married Robert R. Lynn in 1956. denied, 451 U.S. 964, 101 S. Ct. 2036, 68 L. Ed. Explore some facts and explanations about Preston Lee Jr in the article below. v. People, 752 P.2d 86, 88 (Colo.1988); People v. Russo, 713 P.2d 356, 364 (Colo.1986); Chavez v. People, 659 P.2d 1381, 1384 (Colo.1983); People v. Lowe, 660 P.2d 1261, 1267-68 (Colo.1983); People v. Cornelison, 192 Colo. 337, 559 P.2d 1102 (1977). Jenny Meaning In Hebrew, Are you telling me that your feelings about the death penalty are so darn strong that if you were placed under oath to follow the law that you would not follow it if it meant considering whether a death penalty was appropriate? at 420, 105 S. Ct. at 850; Adams v. Texas, 448 U.S. 38, 45, 100 S. Ct. 2521, 2526, 65 L. Ed. Although the prosecutor may not use peremptory challenges to systematically exclude members of a distinct racial group, Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79, 106 S. Ct. 1712, 90 L. Ed. Id. Adams County D.A. The defendant in McCleskey introduced evidence showing, among other things, that in Georgia a person who murdered a white victim was 4.3 times more likely to receive a death sentence than a person charged with killing a black victim. 900-01) Another juror who served opined that only "extreme cases" should warrant capital punishment. In holding that a state may use its peremptory challenges to purge a jury of veniremen not excludable for cause under Witherspoon, the court stated: We agree that it is not inappropriate for a prosecutor to use his peremptory challenges to exclude jurors who, although *209 they have indicated they can follow the law, have expressed reservations about their ability faithfully to do so or who have indicated that they disagree with the judgment of the people acting through their legislature that certain crimes are deserving of the ultimate penalty.[46]. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. 2020 Denver Westword, LLC. [32] In Mills v. Maryland, 486 U.S. 367, 108 S. Ct. 1860, 100 L. Ed. The trial court excused Ms. Wolfe because, in the court's view, she manifested some uncertainty as to whether she could or could not make a decision to impose the death penalty in this case. However, by its express terms, that section does not apply to class 1 felonies. A. I would be able to consider it, but I strongly don't think you know well, that's all the further it would go would be like a consideration. This language apparently contemplated a change from many decades of procedure where the jury was the sole sentencer and waiver was not permitted. The People presented evidence at trial indicating that the defendant often spoke to a fellow employee of his sexual desire for Virginia May, as well as his desire for various other women, including May's sister-in-law Sue MacLennan. (v. 15, p. 19) Their sexual relationship failed to improve after Davis took the ranch hand job, and the couple began renting pornographic videotapes and cruising about the countryside looking for "a pretty girl." In Booth v. Maryland, 482 U.S. 496, 107 S. Ct. 2529, 96 L. Ed. I can't give you a straight answer. Thus, the use of such language was impermissible. [40] See People v. Montgomery, 669 P.2d 1387, 1389 (Colo.1983) (The imposition of concurrent sentences is required only where the counts for which a defendant is convicted are supported by identical evidence; otherwise the sentencing court has discretion to impose sentences to be served concurrently with or consecutively to each other.). (k) The class 1 felony was committed for the purpose of avoiding or preventing a lawful arrest or prosecution or effecting an escape from custody. We are unwilling to follow the defendant's suggestion that this court reject the judgment of the legislature and of the people on the propriety of capital punishment: "[I]n a democratic society legislatures, not courts, are constituted to respond to the will and consequently the moral values of the people." David Kessler's top 4 tips for dealing with holiday grief. denied, ___ U.S. ___, 110 S. Ct. 291, 107 L. Ed. The defendant acknowledges that section 18-1-406(2), 8B C.R.S. 14. During the guilt phase, the court instructed the jury that it was not to consider the defendant's testimony respecting his prior convictions for any purpose other than credibility. However, the Court stated, "[b]eyond these limitations, as noted above, the Court has deferred to the State's choice of substantive factors relevant to the penalty determination." From that unsupported premise the majority concludes that the instruction "could not possibly have detracted from the clear understanding of the jury that despite those life sentences, if the jury ultimately determined that death was the appropriate sanction, then the defendant would be put to death." Further, because there exists no provision conditioning this right of waiver on obtaining the consent of the prosecution, the right must lie unconditionally with the defendant. Gathers, 109 S. Ct. at 2211. The evidence here fully supports the jury finding that the defendant was a party to an agreement with his wife that the couple would kill Virginia May and that she was in fact killed. I agree with Chief Justice Quinn that the legislative history surrounding section 16-11-103(6)(a) demonstrates the legislature's intent to cover persons in prison and that the legislature's subsequent expansion of this aggravator indicates a legislative desire to change the preexisting law. Ingrid is uncovered to be an incredibly accommodating individual by her close ones. However, Kennedy declared a mistrial after a witness in the case mentioned evidence that had been ruled inadmissible. Although this interpretation is plausible as a matter of grammatical construction, there is not a reasonable likelihood that the jurors interpreted the instruction in the manner suggested by the defendant. The. The majority's conclusion suggests that this court possesses appellate authority to reverse a jury verdict of death based on our independent re-weighing of the evidence. The execution of that sentence, however, was stayed pending this appeal. We note further that had the legislature desired that this aggravator be limited to a contract killing situation or to murders for pecuniary gain, it could have chosen to use such narrow language. According to *201 the defendant, the prosecutor then improperly relied on this admission in proving the existence of the prior felony convictions as an aggravator. The defendant has pointed to no authority, and we see no other basis for adopting a rule requiring the submission of the mittimus or other particular document to establish this aggravator when there is no reason to question the authenticity and accuracy of the documents used here. 2d 492 (Fla.1980), cert. Convicted of three counts of first-degree murder; at the penalty phase the jury decided to sentence him to life, rather than death. As noted by Justice Rovira in the Drake case: Drake, 748 P.2d at 1263 (Rovira, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part). These statements meet the standard adopted in the Witt case. Booth, 482 U.S. at 504, 107 S. Ct. at 2533. Catnip Tea For Baby Acne, Your email address will not be published. Becky Davis volunteered her sympathy to the family and expressed the hope that Virginia May would be found. II, 20 and 25; the erroneous submission of a statutory aggravator by construing and applying it in a manner that broadened rather than genuinely narrowed the class of persons eligible for the death penalty, Stephens, 462 U.S. 862, 103 S. Ct. 2733; the submission of a single aggravating circumstance under two separate statutory aggravators, with the result that the jury considered and weighed the same aggravating circumstances twice for the same purpose, Harris, 679 P.2d 433; and the submission of an unconstitutionally vague aggravating factor to the jury for its consideration on the question of life or death, Cartwright, 486 U.S. 356, 108 S. Ct. 1853; Godfrey, 446 U.S. 420, 100 S. Ct. 1759. Id. The defendant's contention is without merit. Indeed, it is precisely because of the distinctive urge to exact ultimate retribution that there devolves upon this court a correspondingly greater duty to assure itself that the means employed by the state in imposing the death sentence comport with constitutional norms calculated to insure fundamental fairness in a capital sentencing hearing. In Enmund, the Court considered whether "death is a valid penalty under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments for one who neither took life, attempted to take life, nor intended to take life." The reason behind the death of Ingrid remains a mystery even after passing over two years. However, this court considered and rejected the argument now raised by the defendant in People v. Tenneson, 788 P.2d 786 (Colo.1990). 1. Gregg, 428 U.S. at 182-83, 96 S. Ct. at 2929, quoting Furman, 408 U.S. at 451, 92 S. Ct. at 2835 (Powell, J., dissenting). 2d 1 (1985). [50] We note that the recognition of a common law right to waive a trial by jury was apparently at odds with the majority rule at common law denying the right to waive a trial by jury. *197 In South Carolina v. Gathers, ___ U.S. ___, 109 S. Ct. 2207, 104 L. Ed. Gary Lee DAVIS, a/k/a Gary Lee Gehrer, Defendant-Appellant. (v. 25, p. 390) The defendant shot May several times in the head, *169 despite her pleas for her life and her offer to pay him $1,000 if she were released. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In People v. Salvador, 189 Colo. 181, 539 P.2d 1273 (1975), this court considered the issue of whether a defendant who has been released from prison on parole is still "under sentence." For now, we pray for her departed soul and urge the respected authority to look into her death. Under section 16-11-103(7)(a) and (b) (1986 & 1989 Supp. People v. Brisbin, 175 Colo. 428, 432, 488 P.2d 63, 65 (1971) (court upholds statute requiring prosecutorial consent as condition of waiver of jury trial on question of sanity). Instruction no. [29] The defendant's allocution here consisted of a short statement in which he acknowledged his guilt and asked the jury that it sentence him to life imprisonment. Because the defendant at the time he kidnapped and murdered the victim was on parole for first degree sexual assault, a class three felony, 18-3-402, 8B C.R.S. But, even after two years, we are unable to know how she passed on. Boyde, at ___, 110 S. Ct. at 1198.[6]. Atty. It's surprising how much a musical selection can affect mourning. Also, we have stated that "the Constitution does not require a jury composed of a precise balance of jurors of various philosophical predispositions, but only a jury composed of individual jurors who indicate an ability to set aside any preconceptions they may have and decide the case based on the facts adduced at trial." In arguing that his right to waive a jury trial in a capital case is unconditional, the defendant first points to the language of section 16-11-103(1)(a), 8A C.R.S. (1986). View phone numbers, addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for Ingrid Davis in Colorado (CO). Come to me." at 193 n. 30. By nearly a 2-1 margin the voters favored retaining the death penalty. Although such statutory aggravator was declared unconstitutionally vague by the United States Supreme Court in Maynard v. Cartwright, 486 U.S. 356, 108 S. Ct. 1853, 100 L. Ed. Quezada was also suspected in a California homicide, but had not been brought to trial before being sentenced in Colorado. As discussed above, the Supreme Court's opinion in Boyde is instructive. Is Preston Lee Jr Still In Jail? State v. Clemons, 535 So. I fail to see how a court can accomplish by hypothesis what it cannot accomplish in fact. 2d 440 (1987), the Supreme Court reversed the defendant's death sentence on the basis that the trial court had improperly admitted a victim impact statement (VIS) during the sentencing phase of the trial. Enter your email or sign up with a social account to get started, The independent voice of Denver since 1977. Boyde, 110 S. Ct. at 1197. In Booth, the Court found that the presentation of the VIS describing in detail the impact of the victims' murders on their family created a "constitutionally unacceptable risk that the jury may impose the death penalty in an arbitrary and capricious manner." This analysis does not adequately answer the "doubling up" problem. 2d 262 (1987) (Court reaffirms holding of Gregg that allowing discretion at each stage of the decision to impose capital punishment is constitutional). However, in reviewing these cases, as well as others cited by the defendant, we have found no basis for concluding that the decisions of these courts were based upon *189 the federal constitution. 2 tells the jury that it may consider only those aggravators found to exist beyond a reasonable doubt. [28] The right to allocute is no more than the defendant's "right to stand before the jury and ask in his own voice that he be spared." Clemons, 110 S. Ct. at 1444. However, never have we found that a particular restriction on the right to waive a trial by jury was unreasonable. ___ U.S. at ___, 110 S. Ct. at 1451. This evidence, the Court held, could divert the jury's attention away from the defendant's background and record, and the circumstances of the crime. 2d 823 (1987). The defendant also argues that our death penalty scheme is unconstitutional because it precludes this court from conducting a proportionality review. Ingrid was born in Weilberg, Germany on March 7, 1939. (1989 Supp.) Zant, however, arose in the context of a Georgia death penalty statute that did not contain the balancing features of section 16-11-103(2). VIII and XIV; Colo. Const. Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Ingrid Davis (San Diego, California), who passed away at the age of 68, on November 26, 2021. In Drake we did not determine the proper standard for resolving challenges for cause in capital cases. Further, the defendant argues that the broad interpretation of this aggravator adopted by the trial court is forbidden by the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article II, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution. The prosecution also shall be given an opportunity to be heard on any matter material to the imposition of sentence. He claims that the statutory mitigating circumstances established by section 16-11-103(5)(b)-(e) are impermissibly vague. Booth, 482 U.S. at 507, 107 S. Ct. at 2535. Ingrid was born in Weilberg Germany on March 7, 1939. Moreover, and more importantly, we are persuaded that the United States Supreme Court in Gregg properly concluded that capital punishment in every instance does not constitute cruel and unusual punishment. Tenneson is dispositive, and we need not review here the basis of our holding in that case. 5 and No. Bell v. United States, 349 U.S. 81, 83, 75 S. Ct. 620, 622, 99 L. Ed. 2d 876 (1989), the Court once again considered the question of the relevance of the status of the victim and the impact of his murder on his family in a capital sentencing case. The PEOPLE of the State of Colorado, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. Gary Lee DAVIS, a/k/a Gary Lee Gehrer, Defendant-Appellant. Anaya, Steven. 16-11-103(1)(b). When the defendant shot May, according to expert testimony, the gunpowder residue on May's hands indicated that they were extended toward the defendant in a defensive gesture. Was it a suicide? I can't tell you what the case is about. August, 2003. However, although the juror may properly consider all relevant mitigating evidence and may determine what weight to give such evidence, the juror is still required to follow the requirements of our statute and weigh the aggravating circumstances against the mitigating circumstances. [19] As Justice Frankfurter wrote in Callanan v. United States, 364 U.S. 587, 593-94, 81 S. Ct. 321, 325, 5 L. Ed. [13] In Clemons, the jury was allowed to consider as an aggravator that the murder in that case was "especially heinous, atrocious or cruel." Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. The defendant also argues that section 16-11-103 violates the due process clauses of the state and federal constitutions. Please accept Echovita's sincere condolences. 2d 316 (1990); Penry v. Lynaugh, ___ U.S. ___, 109 S. Ct. 2934, 2946, 106 L. Ed. [35] (v. 33, p. 67) The defendant in his allocution stated that he was "sorry to the family." According to the testimony of defendant's parole officer during the sentencing hearing, the defendant was scheduled to be released from parole on July 22, 1986, the day after Virginia May was abducted by the defendant. (1986). E.g., McKoy, ___ U.S. ___, 110 S. Ct. 1227; Mills, 486 U.S. 367, 108 S. Ct. 1860. [24] Thus we reject the defendant's contention that in capital cases "plain error review is inapplicable." Id. This aggravator, as we interpret it, is sufficiently precise to permit objective consideration by the jury. Unfortunately, Ingrid from Colorado Springs passed away in August of 2019. May I ask you some questions, Mrs. Wolfe? Rock And Roll Bed, The trial court refused, holding that such waiver required the consent of the prosecutor and that because it was not forthcoming here, the defendant could not waive the trial and sentencing by the jury. Is responsible for weighing aggravators and mitigators with her family by her side and., Offer Condolences & Send Flowers `` sure he 's guilty. numbers,,... V. United States, 349 U.S. 81, 83, died Sunday, June 5th, 2022 her! To exist beyond a reasonable doubt, Germany on March 7, 1939 a! Addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for ingrid in. ) ; Penry v. Lynaugh, ___ U.S. ___, 109 S. Ct. 2036, 68 Ed! To exist beyond a reasonable doubt quezada was also suspected in a California homicide, but had been! 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