I had forgotten that several months ago I was informed not to refer business to that company. [44], German scholars such as Brigitte Schn and Gerald Willms have commented that rhetoric dominates public discourse around Scientology in Germany: in their view, efforts to "frame" information in such a way as to shape opinion have long been more important than the underlying realities. [3] The Federal Administrative Court for example ruled in 1997 that the question whether or not Scientology was a religion was irrelevant, and that its legal status should be judged by its business activities. [30] Aktion Bildungsinformation ("Educational Information Campaign") became an important organization dedicated to opposing Scientology; taking an activist stance, it warned people not to get involved with Scientology, filed successful lawsuits against the Church of Scientology over its proselytizing in public places, and published an influential book, The Sect of Scientology and its Front Organizations. If you are a Scientologist you believe that Scientology contains vital information about how to manage any business or how to perform any job. 2.7 International Foundation for Human Rights and [36][101] That decision also marked the beginning of more intense lobbying efforts by the Church of Scientology in Washington, using paid lobbyists. There are many front companies that Scientology run to get unsuspecting people into Scientology. Many acting schools in California are owned by the Can you also say that about the sea Org folks ? [104], In February 1997, a United States immigration court judge granted asylum to a German Scientologist who claimed she would be subject to religious persecution in her homeland. I had forgotten that several months ago I was informed not to refer business to that company. Sources within the Islamic community have described him as a cult leader and charismatic but totally delusional. They now own most commercial property on every block within walking distance of the waterfront. Jim Huestler is the blocks only holdout with a rental home on the northeast corner. From 1983 to 2002, Bridge also published Hubbard's fiction works. LRH's idea that statistics must go up every week without fail is ridiculous. Regardless of what others may state. []. Miscaviges offer to revitalize downtown hinged on the city ending its attempt to buy one vacant lot on which the church was also bidding. (Listed if other than Religion News Blog, or if not shown above), cults use a method that experts now refer to as coercive control an act, Updated Israeli police have arrested man whom they suspect of leading a violent cult community, The upcoming trials of the last three Aum Shinrikyo cult members will inevitably revisit the, The Cult Information Centre, a UK charity that warns people of the dangers of cults,, 'Fatal Attraction' star Glenn Close has told New York Magazine that she was well-equipped for, After 25 years in operation, the Cult Information Centre in England fears it may no, A panel of academics and professionals from Israel's Ministry of Welfare and Social Services will, South Australia's chief prosecutor is calling for new laws to thwart the rise of cults. German federal and state interior ministers started a process aimed at banning Scientology in late 2007, but abandoned the initiative a year later, finding insufficient legal grounds. [44], Commenting on the decision to drop the ban attempt, Ehrhart Krting, Berlin's interior minister, said, "This organization pursues goals through its writings, its concept and its disrespect for minorities that we cannot tolerate and that we consider in violation of the constitution. [91], In February 2009, the Berlin Administrative Court ruled that a poster placed by local city authorities on an advertising column next to a bus stop in front of the Berlin Scientology headquarters, warning passers-by of the potential dangers Scientology activities posed to democracy and individual freedom, should be removed. In December 2001, the Administrative Court in Berlin ruled against the Berlin Office for the Protection of the Constitution and ordered it to stop the recruitment and deployment of staff and members of the Church of Scientology Berlin as paid informants. Its like they are trying to control the whole thing.. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a psychiatry watchdog organization. On Sept. 7, Epsteins employee was removed from the corporate filings of the company that own the land. Letsgetstarted. The gallery does not include properties bought by companies run by church members. Rice said hes been surprised that he has not been approached by brokers trying to buy his 10,000-square-foot building. In court testimony a Scientology security worker said that his job is to monitor the security cameras for Scientology. After the Times reported the purchases, Miscavige met with city officials and acknowledged the church acquired them as part of his plan to spend $55 million renovating downtown buildings and recruiting high-end retail to empty store fronts. what is the primary motivator for that? Duggan is a member of the Church of Scientology. Rathbuns tell-all reports, the bizarre antics of Scientologys sweetheart celebrity, Tom Cruise, Janet Reitmans investigation in her book Inside Scientology, and the stunts of the Squirrel Busters have heaped on the image problems. Church of Scientology-owned properties The church owns approximately 12 million square feet of property, with Hollywood at the center, and twenty-six properties worth 400 million. Does Mike Murdock's 58 days seed covenant really work? [3] Status as a "religious or worldview community" also affects a broad range of other issues in Germany, such as taxation and freedom of association. The term cult has a precise definition or rather, Religion News Blog is a service provided by, This business is not owned by a Scientologist, Miscavige wanted to know about Broekers every move, The Gospel of Jesus Wife? Where is the Scientology headquarters in Los Angeles? For years, the church has insisted that it doesnt hire private investigators. Speaking of which: One way in which you can support us at no additional cost to you is by shopping at Amazon.com. [27][28] The programme sought to address Scientology's image problems in Germany, to identify weak points in Germany that could be exploited for political gain, such as Germany's National Socialist history, and to increase both membership figures and political influence in German society, with a special emphasis on manoeuvring Scientologists into key positions in industry and government. [27] However, according to the BfV, the strategy has not had any significant success. A sign in front of the business says, Notice: This is one of the only spas in downtown Clearwater not owned by a Scientologist., The spas website makes it clear that, In fact, we are, by definition, a Christian based business., I do not want to be associated with them in any way. [48][49], While there have been calls for Scientology to be banned, the "Church" of Scientology remains legal in Germany and is allowed to operate there. In January and February 2017, a handful of limited liability companies bought six prime downtown parcels. [3][13] Accordingly, the German government has taken a very strong stance against the organization. Not everything that LRH said is wrong, although some of it is just spectacularly wrong. businesses owned by scientologists businesses owned by scientologists. In the Smithsonian article, Kings scholarship is described as a kind of sustained critique of what she called the master story of Christianity: a narrative that casts the canonical texts of the New Testament as a divine revelation that passed through Jesus in an unbroken chain to the apostles and their successors church fathers, ministers, priests and bishops who carried these truths into the present day., King actually argues against the use of terms like heresy and even Gnostic, claiming that the very use of these terms gives power to the forces of orthodoxy and normative Christianity. [53][68] Such sect filters, primarily used to screen out Scientologists, have been drafted by German government agencies for use by businesses. [29][99][100][101] The U.S. Department of State began to include the issue of Scientology in Germany in its annual human rights reports after the 1993 agreement between the Church of Scientology and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, through which Scientology gained the status of a tax-exempt religion in the United States. 2.1 Association for Better Living and Education International. I happen to agree with that particular point, by the way. It is headed by David Miscavige[1]. [44] Here, the report found that Scientology's behaviour gave no grounds to assume that Scientology aggressively sought to attack and overthrow Germany's free and democratic basic order. Scientologists use prescription drugs when physically ill and also rely on the advice and treatment of medical doctors. 2.1 Association for Better Living and Education International. My employment was terminated at a company owned by a Scnists for mistakenly violating policy. Most of the Scientology organizations in a geographical area, secular or otherwise, are members of the Clear Expansion Committee, with the goal of clearing the entire community and establishing a Scientology world. It is a portfolio that began to take shape in the early 1970s under the direction of Scientology founder L. The last census revealed its membership at just 87, reflecting a more global public relations crisis that has been plaguing the church for years. Fifty-eight are in the city of Clearwater and 49 are downtown. Richard Tobias, an independent real estate appraiser in Pinellas County, said vast purchases of downtown real estate by entities tied to Scientology have cast confusion over the market. This Clearwater based Company, owned by a Scientology Whale couple. is going to offer the public stock. The names of these 26 groups appear in the Ex Only few people in Scientology are or may be happy there. Contents 2.1 Association for Better Living and Education International. In Florida, limited liability companies that buy property are required to disclose administrative operators but not their owners. Scientology spokesman Ben Shaw said in a statement that the church is not involved with the acquisitions. People like to "help out" people who share membership in the same groups (both official membership, but also in the sense of "other people who like X thing"). [3][40] In another 2003 decision, the Administrative Court of Baden-Wrttemberg in Mannheim said there were no indications that the teachings of Scientology merely served as a pretext for commercial activity. A rep for Decurion gave us this statement: "Arclight is not affiliated with Scientology in any way." This whole patina of terror is losing its luster and people are not afraid of them anymore, Rathbun said. A colleague advised me that, in the US, if a previous employer gives a bad reference, you can sue for defamation.. and it would be a very easy case to win. [45][46] In Schn's words, this includes both the "efforts of German politicians to enhance their popularity with strong-worded statements" and "Scientology's efforts to present itself as the victim of unjust persecution"; commenting on foreign reporting on Scientology in Germany, she adds that "the American press may prefer sensationalist news to boring investigation and may frame the issue according to American stereotypes". "[36], A United Nations report in April 1998 raised concerns about the violation of individual rights posed by sect filters. Whether you call it "religion tourism," "religious travel," "faith-based touring," or even "on-site religion studying," spiritual tourism (if you will) is popular. Church of Spiritual Technology, doing business as L. Ron Hubbard Library, owns the copyrights to L. Ron Hubbard's texts, and these trademarks. [3], The Federal Court of Justice of Germany has not yet made an explicit decision on the matter, but implicitly assumed in 1980 that Scientology represented a religious or worldview community. nicht rechtens", "Scientology Mitgliederzahl in Deutschland, Europa, USA und weltweit? Click here to read the story. [8] Scientology teaches that the source of people's unhappiness lies in "engrams", psychological burdens acquired in the course of painful experiences, which can be cleared through a type of counselling called "auditing" made available by the "Church" of Scientology. Scientology has various classifications for their organizations. [100][104] The letter was conceived and paid for by Hollywood lawyer Bertram Fields, whose clients have included Tom Cruise and John Travolta, and was signed by 34 prominent figures in the U.S. entertainment industry, including the top executives of MGM, Warner Bros., Paramount, Universal and Sony Pictures Entertainment as well as actors Dustin Hoffman and Goldie Hawn, director Oliver Stone, writers Mario Puzo and Gore Vidal and talk-show host Larry King. The belief that he is at least courting the controversial religious group has been furthered this week after Hogan was spotted taking in an NFL game with Tom Cruise. Hogan sparked rumors that he was the Church of Scientology's latest celebrity recruit when he started dating known Scentiologist Sky Daily. An archive of his articles on Scientology will remain available at The Village Voice. Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, International Association of Scientologists, New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project clinics, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant, Concerned Businessmen's Association of America, New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_trademarks_owned_by_the_Church_of_Scientology_and_its_affiliates&oldid=1122306741, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles that may contain original research from February 2008, All articles that may contain original research, Articles lacking sources from January 2008, Articles with topics of unclear notability from January 2017, All articles with topics of unclear notability, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, the Religious Technology Center corporate symbol, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course symbol, the Effective Education Publishing design, the International Foundation for Human Rights and Tolerance logo, The Way to Happiness "road and sun" design, Joyce Essex Harvey Coldwell Bankers International, This page was last edited on 16 November 2022, at 22:33. Who is the blonde girl in the new Verizon commercial? [4][5], Scientologists in Germany face specific political and economic restrictions. I was involved with Scientology professionally for 25 years. By that, I mean I worked for the organization, eventually at its highest levels in the During that period, downtown purchases by limited liability companies managed by members of Scientology accelerated. [45][46] Schn as well as Irving Hexham, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Calgary in Canada, have remarked in particular on the lack of academic studies by German scholars. First, the Church doesn't think highly of college or formal schooling in general. Clearwater officials bemoan lack of progress on land talks with Scientology, Sheriffs Office identifies victims in suspected murder-suicide, Body of missing Clearwater teen found, police say, Clearwater takes first step in bringing renaissance to North Greenwood, MLK Day parades and festivals will be in St. Petersburg and Tampa on Monday, Clearwater has not recycled since July; solid waste official resigns, Largos TD Synnex posts $62B in revenue, plans $1B in stock buybacks, Tampa Bay internet celebrity Baked Alaska gets 60 days for Jan. 6 riot, Bounce the Mall tour of elaborate inflatables coming to Tyrone Square, Clearwater woman killed, child wounded in gunfight between boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, police say, companies tied to Scientology bought 100 properties, Winter the dolphin died of twisted intestines, necropsy report confirms. They say he has gathered a multi-ethnic group of 20 to 30 young men around him, and they are fiercely loyal to him. ), International Hubbard Ecclesiastical League of Pastors (IHELP), Church of Scientology Flag Ship Service Organization, Church of Scientology Advanced Organization Saint Hill Europe & Africa. It was then that I realized that the disconnection policy of Church of Scn may be causing chaos and confusion with companies owed and managed by on lines Scientologists. Seventy-one percent of the 60 parcels the Church of Scientology owns under its name in Pinellas County are tax-exempt for religious purposes. Check out the latest episodes of the show where Jim Parsons and Norman Quarrinton cover the latest news and events happening in the worlds of WWE, AEW and more! Resourceful Construction, Inc. CEDAR LOT, LLC; Pacific Heart Perhaps he'll weave some Scientology hype into his promo should he be left alone with the mic. I have watched/read a few ex member interviews where they mentioned being audited on site / in the workplace for not performing at the expected levels.. I have expanded the company by 10X while I worked there for nearly 5 years. But the aquarium rejected his bid in order to sell it to the city for $4.25 million. [49][82] According to the agreement that concluded the case, she promised not to use Scientology methods in her work, and to inform the children's parents of her membership in Scientology. In total, the church owns seven historic Hollywood properties worth about $300 million, part of a Hollywood real estate empire of 26 properties, according to real estate experts. In San Diego, Taylor Guitars and Deering Banjo Company. Be informed that their owners are local Scientologists who support the abuses of Scientolog They are now suing the church after the paychecks stopped rolling in. In late 2020, Terri Novitsky also was elected to the Downtown Development Board, an advisory group tasked with promoting downtown. In November, 2011, Hebdos offices were been destroyed by a petrol bomb, a day after it named the Prophet Mohammed as its editor-in-chief for that weeks issue. They dont have any ax to grind with Scientology, he said. [3] Two points are contested: first, whether or not the teachings of Scientology qualify as a "religion or worldview" (Religion or Weltanschauung; these are equal before German law[50]), and secondly, whether or not these teachings are only used as a pretext for purely commercial activity; if the latter were the case, this would most likely imply that Scientology would not qualify for protection as a "religious or worldview community" (Religions- oder Weltanschauungsgemeinschaft) under Article 4 of the German constitution, which guarantees the freedom of belief, religion and worldview. The US average revenue of a car dealership is $38.3 million. The Scientology leader had offered the Clearwater Marine Aquarium $15 million for that 1.4-acre grass lot on Pierce Street. So now there are 2 registrars at my work place from 2 different Ideal Orgs pressuring me beyond belief. Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization, Inc. Association for Better Living and Education, Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization, Church of Scientology Western United States, International Association of Scientologists, "Official website of the Church of Scientology of Hannover in Germany", "Church of Scientology to launch TV channel", "Scientology Poised to Launch TV Network", "Scientology Network will make TV debut Monday, the church says", "Church of Scientology to launch TV network", "New ScientologyTV will put members, founder in spotlight", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Scientology_organizations&oldid=1121430984, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from March 2018, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Church of Scientology Religious Trust (CSRT), Scientology International Reserves Trust (SIRT), Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International (CC Int. [102] The State Department's 1996 human rights report on Germany, released in January 1997, warned that artists and businesses with Scientology connections "may face boycotts and discrimination, sometimes with government approval. [49][82], According to Erin Prophet in Handbook of Scientology some German companies have specifically asked applicants if they are Scientologist, and denied employment to those who are affiliated with the Church. I dont know what their plan is.. This stance has been criticized by the U.S. The owner of the company just so happened to be an Ideal Org registrar himself and needed stats for his Org as well. The Constitutional Court and various courts at the state level have not explicitly ruled that Scientology is a religion. [57], In Saarland, surveillance was stopped by a court as inappropriate in 2005, because there is no local branch of Scientology and few members. [60][61], At the federal level, Scientology lost a complaint against continued surveillance by the BfV in November 2004. Google is everyones friend and there is a lot of information available with a simple search. Most of the threads I have found tend to say no, but where my experience so far differs, is there has been ZERO mention of scientology. [30] The most prominent critics of these new religious movements were the "sect commissioners" (Sektenbeauftragte) of Germany's Protestant Churches, who also actively promoted the establishment of private "initiatives of parents and concerned persons". Huestler said broker Terri Novitsky calls him every now and again to see if hed be interested in selling. [44] A foreign organization would have been much easier to ban than a German one. Do I have to be rich to be a Scientologist? [13] In the same decision, the court also found that Scientology uses "inhuman and totalitarian practices". "[93] The Church of Scientology expressed satisfaction with the decision, describing it as the "only one possible". The organizations that others mentioned here are licensed by the church to use the works of L. Ron Hubbard and are none profit. Companies in red have ties to Scientologists: 1) 35 Bypass Realty, LLC (RC Accessories) 2) 50 Buttermilk Hollow Realty, LLC (KRAG Chevy N. Huntington) 3) 54 Caprara [7] These efforts have been partly successful Scientology has gained recognition as a tax-exempt religious group in a number of countries, most notably in Australia in 1983 and the United States in 1993, and in 2007 won an important case at the European Court of Human Rights, which censured Russia for failing to register Scientology as a religion. [Karen] King and [Elaine] Pagels have both rejected traditional Christianity, and they clearly prefer the voices of the heretics. [37], Government publications on the dangers of sects increased between 1996 and 1998, and a significant number of them dealt with the "Church" of Scientology. #1. Subscribe to our free Stephinitely newsletter. How can DM beat people up since he's so tiny? [36][102], U.S. Department of State spokesman Nicholas Burns rejected the Nazi comparisons in the open letter as "outrageous" and distanced the U.S. government from Nazi comparisons made by the Church of Scientology, saying, "We have criticized the Germans on this, but we aren't going to support the Scientologists' terror tactics against the German government. Philip Kirkpatrick, Clearwaters senior economic development coordinator, said Stephen Epstein spoke with city officials in December about a potential commercial and multifamily project on the site. None profit to refer business to that company of medical doctors available with a home. 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